Sunday, May 4, 2008

In Bloom and Spirit

My next two panels in this Spring series are In Bloom and Spirit- I really like how these are looking like old faded out wallpaper... They are blockprints and stencils on the back of a countertop sample. These are the flowers that inspired it... I know, I know, not at all the same colors. I took the little bell shape of the flower and made it into the design.

Spirit is a group of ferns and dragonflys, I like how they both unfurl- I don't have a photo, but if you've ever seen a dragonfly curl up it's tail you know what I mean!


artslice said...

What an innovative use for the formica samples!!! They look lovely.

Happy Days,

Kristin Loganbill said...

thanks- Brenda
I have been carrying boxes of the formica samples with me (when I moved to Or) because I knew that someday they could be used for something....
(you are my first commenter on this blog-thank you!)